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Our Role

Web based map application detailing all bike facilities across the state of Illinois.

Creating a statewide public infrastructure database

Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) has thousands of bike trails, lanes, and roadway features across the state. The location of these features impacts any future construction happening in the area, but no centralized location for storing this data existed, which caused delays in construction due to miscommunication between departments.

Refining the data to find value

IDOT tasked Trinnex® with creating an application that catalogues and displays the location and key information for all bike-related infrastructure. The intention of this application is to provide state and federal agencies with information on their bike facilities to assist in planning and budgeting for statewide construction projects. In addition, the data that IDOT had collected on their facilities was full of inaccuracies and duplicates and needed to be refined before it could be used in the new tool.

Building a state-wide repository

Trinnex developed a custom GIS map-based application using the ESRI map builder. This solution enables users to search for bike facilities on a map-based platform and find all key information regarding those facilities. Users also can add or edit facility information using the map to draw and categorize bike facilities. IDOT admin users maintained the right to approve or reject all updates to the tool to preserve the validity of information in the system.

Informing construction planning for years to come

With the support of the custom application created by Trinnex, the Illinois public can view, add, edit, and explore information on bike facilities across the state. Construction projects can also get accurate reads of the area they are working in so they can properly plan and budget projects. These developments have improved the efficiency of construction projects by removing unnecessary delays.


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