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Streamlining Compliance: How Trinnex is Helping Virginia and North Carolina with Lead Pipe Replacement Plans

October 9, 2024
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Trinnex is proud to announce the approval of seven plans across Virginia and North Carolina, reflecting our commitment to innovative solutions in water infrastructure and lead service line inventories. These plans are a mix of predictive modeling and statistical analysis approaches and demonstrate the power of data-driven methods in helping utilities comply with regulatory mandates while maximizing efficiency.

Predictive Modeling: Finding Lead Before It's Found

Predictive modeling is like a crystal ball for utilities. When a utility doesn’t know where lead or galvanized requiring replacement (GRR) pipes might be hiding, this advanced approach helps predict where they’re most likely to be. By using data from various sources including predictive modeling, the model gives utilities a smart starting point to focus their resources—helping them find and replace lead lines, saving time and money in the process.

Statistical Analysis: Proving the Absence of Lead

In cases where a utility believes they don’t have any lead service lines, statistical analysis comes into play. Instead of an exhaustive field verification, utilities can use a representative sample to prove their inventory is free from lead. This method is recognized and accepted on a case-by-case basis by regulators in states like Virginia and North Carolina, allowing utilities to confidently label the remaining unknowns in their system as non-lead without doing exhaustive inspections.

Virginia: Using What’s Already Done to Save Time and Money

One of Trinnex’s standout projects took place in Virginia, where a client had already completed extensive field inspections, but they faced a challenge; the inspections had not followed the random selection process outlined by the Virginia Department of Health (VDH). That’s where Trinnex stepped in. We leveraged our Inspection Optimizer tool, a powerful feature from our leadCAST software that utilizes optimization techniques to blend existing non-random inspections with strategically recommended new ones.

This "fill the gap" approach ensures regulatory compliance by targeting the most critical areas for additional verification, without discarding valuable pre-existing data. The result? This client was able to save approximately four months of work and meet regulatory requirements faster and significantly reduce costs by an estimated $90,000 to $170,000—a win-win for both the client and the community they serve.

This innovative solution enabled the client to meet their lead pipe replacement goals on time, within budget, and while adhering to VDH guidelines.

Shoutout to Virginia and North Carolina Regulators

We also want to recognize the regulators in Virginia and North Carolina for their proactive efforts. Their comprehensive guidance and quick response time in reviewing proposals have been instrumental in making these plans easier and faster for utilities to implement. By embracing both predictive modeling and statistical analysis methods, these states continue to set a high standard for ensuring safe and lead-free water systems for the community.

At Trinnex, we’re committed to making lead pipe replacement faster, smarter, and more affordable. By working closely with state regulators and utilities, we’re helping to ensure safer, lead-free water for everyone.

As we continue to partner with utilities across the country, we are committed to developing efficient, data-driven solutions that not only comply with regulatory standards but also save valuable time and resources to help ensure safer, lead-free water for everyone.

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Written by
Megan Simonian
Events Marketing Coordinator
Megan is an active member of NEWEA and WEF Young Professionals committees and is passionate about bringing innovation to the water industry.

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