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Innovation in the Serengeti: Enhancing Traffic Management with Custom Solutions

August 13, 2024
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The Serengeti National Park in Tanzania is one of the most iconic wildlife sanctuaries in the world. Spanning over 5,700 square miles, this World Heritage site boasts a diverse landscape of savannahs, woodlands, and grasslands. It is home to Africa's largest lion population, a multitude of mammals and reptiles, and over 500 species of birds, making it a rich and varied sanctuary for a vast array of species.

Traffic, Tourism, and the Ecosystem Turmoil

The diversity of this scale attracts approximately 500,000 visitors to the park annually. While this boosts tourism, the influx of motorized transport to accommodate the visitors has led to increased traffic congestion and logistical challenges. These issues can lead to soil compaction, disturbance to wildlife, and an imbalanced distribution of vehicles across the park, all while threatening the park's delicate ecosystems.

The park management found it crucial to implement an effective traffic management solution at the earliest to resolve these issues and preserve the ecosystem of the park.

The priority was also ensuring safety of visitors while ensuring preservation of the park's natural habitats.

Serengeti National Park

Beginning of the Partnership

To find and implement a solution to this challenging task, the trustees of Tanzania National Parks (TANAPA) selected Trinnex and CDM Smith. Together, the teams will design an innovative, modular information technology management solution (ITMS) for digital traffic management, which will be purpose built to fit unique needs of the Serengeti National Park.

This digital traffic management custom solution will:

  • Enhance visitor experiences by streamlining traffic flow and reducing congestion
  • Facilitate a balanced distribution of vehicles throughout the park
  • Prioritize preservation of wildlife habitats by minimizing disturbances
  • Alleviate soil compaction caused by excessive vehicle movement

Trinnex's custom solutions team will play a crucial role in this project, bringing their expertise in designing and implementing the specialized ITMS solution. Trinnex and CDM Smith will also supervise the solution and train the TANAPA staff on how to manage it.

This project will span three years and encompass various phases including conceptualization, design, procurement, and training.

A Safer and Sustainable Serengeti

The Serengeti project exemplifies the power of innovative and custom solutions in addressing complex environmental and logistical challenges. By leveraging Trinnex's expertise and the collaborative efforts of Trinnex, CDM Smith, and TANAPA, the project will create a safer environment for visitors and the wildlife alike, all while creating a more sustainable future for the Serengeti National Park.

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Written by
Christina Russell
Digital Solutions Delivery Leader
Christy is a digital solution consultant passionate about creating/managing enterprise solutions that help clients make effective decisions

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